Tips to Survive Deductible Season

Insurance Deductible Renewal

REMINDER - Insurance deductibles start over on the New Year for many of our patients, which means they will be responsible for the out-of-pocket expenses. Having a plan in place with your clients, will ensure that you get paid quicker!

  • Give your clients a reminder to update their insurance information and any cc/hsa cards with VIBE. This will avoid claim denials on the front end, or any confusion on the clients bill for services.

  • Help your clients understand their benefits & payments. The more knowledgeable everyone is, the better! If you have specific questions, always ask your VIBE Account Manager


Financial hardship can cause additional strain on your clients. Navigating this with them can be tricky. Collecting $100 up-front at each session with help eliminate gaps in revenue during the deductible New Year. This will also help your client stay up-to-date on their bill, only receiving an invoice for a small remainder that may be due after the session has processed through insurance.

Don’t forget the add-on interactive complexity code (90785) . See next blog post for more details.


EFT Setup


Complexity Add-On Code