Complexity Add-On Code

Are you getting paid enough?

Are you utilizing the interactive complexity code (90785) for services that you provide?

If not, you could be missing out on extra money!

Communication is key in therapy!

The interactive complexity code is used when services have been complicated by communication difficulties during a visit. This add-on code is meant to reflect increased intensity, not increased time, and must be used in conjunction with primary service codes. Including this code could increase your revenue from insurance by $5-15+ dollars a session!

How to use Interactive Complexity (add-on 90785)

Report interactive complexity for services when any of the following exist during the visit:

• Communication difficulties among participants that complicate care delivery related to issues such as:

- High anxiety

- High reactivity

- Repeated questions

- Disagreement

• Caregiver emotions or behaviors that interfere with implementing the treatment plan

• Evidence is discovered or discussed relating to an event that must be reported to a third party. This may include events such as abuse or neglect that require a mandatory report to the state agency

• The mental health provider overcomes communication barriers by using any of the following methods:

- Play equipment

- Physical devices

- An interpreter

- A translator for members who:

  1. Are not fluent in the same language as the mental health provider

  2. Have not developed or have lost the skills needed to use or understand typical language

For more information on complexity codes visit


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