Expert Behavioral Health Billing & Insurance Credentialing

Here to bring you value.

Vibe is 100% performance driven — We only get paid once YOU get paid!

Imagine a world where you actually got paid, and FAST! The talented Account Managers, User experience Architects and Owners on our staff spend every waking hour perfecting the fluid exchange between claims processing and getting the providers paid.

  • There are NO hidden ongoing expenses, and NO costly investments

  • Our company is focused on maximizing your collections, getting you paid more and paid faster!

  • ​We work to manage your full revenue cycle so that you can devote your focus to patient care

  • With decades of experience in Credentialing and Billing in the mental health, ABA (Autism therapy), and Psychiatric industries we know what your team needs to keep you doing business as a well oiled machine.

Providing you with the freedom to grow

If you are paying in-house staff to provide these services, consider the benefits of saving the expense of staff salaries, training, employee benefits, tax withholding, space, & equipment. Not to mention your valuable time supervising their activities!

See your clients from anywhere!


Online Therapy Benefits

  • Making therapy available to anyone, anywhere, anytime with telehealth

  • Access to a variety of behavioral health providers and resources

  • Improved and more frequent communication with clients

  • Private - Efficient - Flexible


Our services

hand-drawn armchair icon


hand-drawn aim target icon


hand-drawn empty pill bottle icon


hand-drawn simplified needles in back acupuncture icon



“Can I just say how much you rock? Your consistency, speed and follow up is refreshing and noticed. As a business owner, I have a million details on my plate and I am so relieved to know when I pass something off to you it will be taken care of! I appreciate you!”

Jennifer K. MS, LMFT

Positive VIBE

Positive Results

Get started with VIBE today!